Worth a Look: 7 Habits Of People With Remarkable Mental Toughness

Jeff Haden’s 7 Habits of People With Remarkable Mental Toughness published at Inc.com may be one of the timeliest pieces for law enforcement officers. We traditionally look at toughness in terms of physical survival, but these days, we need to make sure we are mentally prepared for the loud and boisterous criticism of us as individuals, and […]


Worth a Look: 10 Sentences Good Managers NEVER Say – EVER

Leadership failures in law enforcement can lead to catastrophic consequences for the agency, it’s personnel and the community. Blunders do not have to be earth shattering; they are more harmful and toxic in small doses over time. Take a  look at Bernard Marr‘s article 10 Sentences Good Managers NEVER Say – EVER, and count how many of […]

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